No monthly blog update since November. Are the team ok?


Double likewise (if that’s a thing…)

Reading all the above and desparate for mirrors, etc I jumped to Workflowy. There is so much praise from their devoted users but I lasted a week. It’s interesting because the way I use Dynalist should fit easily with Workflowy but it doesn’t. So, an interesting (and expensive) experiment that just confirmed why I have been with Dynalist for so long.


Realizing this is years later, thank you for the in-depth explanation. If you’re still considering remaking a “Dynalist 2”, please allow me to be the first paid user and I’ll be happy to beta test. While I appreciate all what Obsidian is, I plan to use Dynalist into the future.


I, too, am coming late to the 2021 discussion. After circling back through Workflowy and looking at Obsidian (and many other such programs), DynaList remains on top for me and the school where I work (as the database and systems manager (and former software developer)). Its combination of simplicity and power is brilliant. Since our (growing) internal knowledge base is in Dynalist, we are concerned about the product’s future (e.g. hosting), even if there aren’t any more updates.