New to calendar integration

As i am new to dynalist, i am working my way through many of the pro features. I have made a start with css and got some results. I am now trying to get the - calendar integration to work. I must be doing something wrong because nothing seems to be happening. I am not sure if i am doing something wrong with my lists, do i just add a date or is there more to it than that.
also could it be how i have set it up in the pro settings.
finally it would help if i know what to expect when it does integrate, eg what does it look like in my calendar.

could someone please help with some tips, i would be very grateful for any help.


Hi Keith. Have you read this?

Once sync is set up, just type an exclamation mark (!) and select a date and type the description for the calendar entry.

:reminder_ribbon: don’t forget to right click the document and enable calendar integration. It’s on a document by document basis.

Fantastic thanks