Minor Tweak Request for Mobile Sharing

In Safari on iOS, when you share a link to Dynalist using the share sheet, the new item is added as the full title, linked to the website. So if I’m on a page called Example Webpage, I hit the share button and choose Dynalist, and then it’s added to my Inbox like this: Example Webpage

My minor request is this: can we make it so that the Inbox item is formatted with the title of the webpage as a plain text bullet and with the URL as a note underneath it? There’s a precedence for this…it’s the way the clipper add-on for Firefox works.

The reason I’m asking is that, on mobile, it’s really difficult to tap a list item that’s all hyperlink without accidentally triggering the link. So if I want to make any modifications to the item, it can be tough to click into it without clicking on it.

I understand though if this isn’t a tweak the other users want, or if it’s just not possible on mobile.

PS: Thanks for fixing the “first time fail” issue!


Also, when sharing some highlighted text from Safari instead of the whole page to would be great to have the text AND the URL go to Dynalist.