How do I search for nodes that have children?

This may seem silly at first glance since we’re working with an outline but combined with OR/AND it could be useful. Example: #current AND has:children


Interesting, may I know the use case? You’re looking for parent items, specifically?

Also “AND” is implied. If has:children exists, you can just do “#current has:chidlren”.

Thanks for the response Erica. I have a long outline of projects and each project has tasks. If a tasks don’t have a hard due date, they are either #current, #later, or #done.

My outline looks like:

Project A
Project B

This is quicker than tagging each task and it’s easier to see tasks group togeether under each tag.

When I want to process my current tasks, I search for #current and it gives me all those nodes and tasks under them. However, projects that don’t have current tasks are also displayed and I don’t want them cluttering my display. This is where has children would be useful.

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I see, thanks for explaining! That makes sense. We’ll consider adding this search operator!

P.S. To anyone who’s reading: like the OP’s post if you want something like this!

Update: just added “has:children” search operator.

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