This is the workflow I’d like to implement with Dynalist’s API. Basically a low maintenance, retroactively global TODO-list using javascript popup boxes
I would basically only use the ! parameter for dates that dynalist currently has. The problem I have with google calendar integration is the following:
- If I assign a date into google calendar with Dynalist PRO feature, its a one time deal. Once that date is set, its set. I cannot reassign it for a future date unless I go to google calendar. Plus, I have to use two different systems here
This problem would be solved with other built in “TO-DO” style systems found in other websites / softwares, that are integrated directly into that platform. For instance
In reddit, you could specify !RemindMe and specify a future date reminder and just ping an inbox comment to yourself
- system, there’s a number of options here to send back mail to yourself. Specifically, is a good example. It reminds you every 3 days to do something, when you finish it, you check it off. IF you don’t finish it, it keeps reminding you
Basically, the only thing I would use this API is for a TO-DO list that is more powerful than what dynalist currently has. I would want an inbox basically
Basically, this is what would happen
1. Pre-existing workflow integration
I use a phraseexpress macro “3d#” to paste a reminder in the future (3 days from today) using the “!” operator. Or 1w# for 1 week, 1m# for 1 month, etc. This would be anywhere in my document and be retroactively global. The task would just be whatever contents are on the bulletpoint itself
###2. API plugin use for TO-DO dialog box reminder (GET /PUT)
When that day comes, say 3 days later, a javascript popup box would show the reminder I set for myself. The dialog box would have the following options in terms of what I can do with that task
- Mark as complete
- Reassign the task, by manual date, OR +1days, +2days, +4days, +1 week, +1 month (If you wanted to reassign 5 days later, press +1day and +4day then OK)
- Change the description of the task (in the event the task nature changes)
- Add notes underneath the task (as child bulletpoints) or as a NOTE
The ability to add notes on the description would give it a more “Trello” feel. You can attach documents using dynalist PRO attacher or just an imgur link, etc
3 API plugin to modify data (POST)
When all is done press OK. This would retroactively change that task lists data, including but not limited to:
- Last revised date
- New “!” date changed to reflect the “reschedule task for another day”.
- Any description changes + new notes on that task
This would make task management much more friendly and lower maintenance in nature (E.G. I don’t have to use another app like TODOIST, I don’t need to go to a “seperate list” to manage to do tasks, or remember anything really, the forced dialog box reminder when I log in everyday does that for me)
Naturally I log into everyday anyways, so this isn’t going to be a probelm
Afterthoughts on implementation
I would probably just run this all as a tampermonkey script to set the reminder sent back to myself, the moment I log into dynalist for the day. This would control the javascript dialog box reminder I have. I’m not entirely sure how this part would work though (dialog box on dynalist), I’d have to look into it more, I’m still fairly certain it would have to be with a tampermonkeyscript and an “alert box”. I don’t think a chrome extension would work for what I’m looking for exactly
I’m not sure if an external server would be needed to store any data or if its just constantly making GET / PUT calls for current date stamps either. Or if its just going to be a datadump log somewhere.
Items not finished or set as occuring will just constantly show up in my dialog box “inbox” everyday