Does google account is same with my email account?

I got a question that i can use my google account to log in, but when i use the same email to log in, it tells me that"You did not sign-up with a password.", so i am curious now.
or how to link my google account with my email account? So that i can use anyone to log in.
Thanks for your help.

i use the same email address in google account and email account…

When you first sign up, did you use this option to sign up with Google? Or did you use your email to sign up and set a password?


i sign up with google, but i cannot use the same email address to log in, so how to link them?

When you log in, please choose this method:

Did that give you the error you mentioned (“You did not sign-up with a password”)?

no, but i want to know the way to link the google account and email :sweat_smile: @Erica

Sorry I’m a little confused, your account is already linked to your Google account. Do you want to link to another Google account?

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