Complete autonomy: no signup + no sync

Quite lengthy discussion has started here, so I want to clarify my own point.

Actually I don’t ask for any brand new features. More like just a small tweak of what
Dynalist is capable of already.

The desktop app does store it’s data somewhere locally on user’s machine, right?
What I need is the opportunity to work with those local data directly, not signing in.

When the app starts, it should ask in what mode do I want to work:

A) Using a Dynalist account, with the access to my local data provided by signing in to
Dynalist servers. Everything like it is now.

B) Using direct access to my local data, without signing in. The data are never sent
anywhere, no synchronization of any type occurs. No Dynalist account is involved.

In the second case Dynalist should just skip some checks and relax about anything remote.
Generally speaking, it should not do some things it usually does.
That kind of tweak seems
to be relatively easy to implement.

I do not request anything related to synchronization, encryption, local passwords etc.,
unlike True Offline Mode or Encrypted Data, so it is not a duplicate.

In the end I want to use Dynalist for editing lists in place, just like I use, say, Open
Office for documents or GIMP/Adobe Photoshop for pictures. To just edit something. Period.
Do not send it anywhere else, do not synchronize or merge anything whatsoever. None of
that. Just editing.
Imagine a text editor asking me to sign up before I write a piece of text. Would be
weird, right? That’s how I actually feel about Dynalist right now.

Dynalist is best at it’s niche, as far as I know. It makes lists really rock!
And it’s a pity that some simple things have to be complicated.

Hope you guys will take a closer look at this.

P.S. Have been on vacation so responding just now.