Complete autonomy: no signup + no sync

Yeah, a lot of people have been clamoring for an internetless Workflowy Clone for the last 10 years, and there’s been nothing but crickets from the outliner community. Some terrible apps like org-mode and sublime orgmode and taskwarrior have been suggested but don’t come close. A lot of people are especially frustrated within tech companies that disallow storing any work data on 3rd party clouds. It’s a bummer, because I know this is a huge market being untapped despite the tech being there. Just, nobody has bothered to put it together.

It’s been on the Dynalist Roadmap for 5 years, but it’s low enough on the priority list (which includes Obsidian), that I don’t expect it to ever happen

The wait continues for some hero to develop it.

Personally, I think the most likely future success will come from a 3rd party plugin for Obsidian + 3rd party Obsidian CSS. The app is offline by default. That community is rapidly making a lot of good 3rd party stuff and Obsidian is less than a year old project, and already exploding in new users. Obsidian treats lines of text (i.e. paragraphs between the \n characters) as “blocks” and has the ability to internally link to blocks via a search similar to Dynalist’s move dialog. So the “nodes” paradigm is kind of there, and the heirarchy tree is done via the nested folders paradigm. It’s only matter of time until you can do a lot of the Dynalist and Workflowy paradigms within an Obsidian document. It won’t be exactly the same but I think people can adapt. Of course, this is just speculation.

This topic is a duplicate of the bigger thread –