Code style is not faded if strikethrough

Steps to reproduce

Create an item with part of it marked with code style.
Mark it as complete with Ctrl+Enter.

Expected result

Code part is faded not to be prominent too much (similarly as other styles do).

Actual result

Stile of code part stays intact which is different to other styles.



I use it from the Firefox browser.

Thanks for catching this!

We have tracked this bug on our todo list, and will fix it as soon as we can! Thanks again for letting us know. Iā€™ll update here when itā€™s fixed :slight_smile:

How is going?

Hmm no updates on this but itā€™s been sitting pretty low in the issue queue. Would you like me to bump the priority a bit?

Yes, please. Quite important for me.

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Fixed! Update will be pushed to mobile and desktop app in a few days.

Works almost nice besides that it isnā€™t stricken through.


The strikethrough doesnā€™t align itself because of the font difference and margin of the box, so it looks quite ugly (itā€™s a few pixels lower than the other). Since you mentioned ā€œCode part is faded not to be prominent too muchā€ I think thatā€™s a reasonable tradeoff.

Yep, itā€™s a reasonable trade-off. Thanks.