As mentioned: word count

once be mentioned in connection withtags: a word count feature.
as i’m professional writer this would be veery helpful. you can write very well indeed in here (did earlier in workflowy) and your writing will be very very well structured and concise. Export as text without indents makes transferring it a breeze. only missing: word count for notes block (number of words in single note, adds up in parent always?) should be able to be toggled so doesnt disturb the non users :slight_smile:

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This probably exists in a manner that it works across the whole browser or whole operating system.

Try this one I found

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hehe in english?

Seconded. I’m using Dynalist to write a phd thesis. It’s useful for isolating specific sections. I’m currently copying/pasting sections into another program to get the word count. The problem is that notes also get pasted, which, for me, aren’t part of the main text and must be removed one by one to get a word count. It would be great if this feature was built in.

Maybe an optional bit in a status bar that shows the word count for the current ‘list’ being shown (with an option to ignore notes)


Would love to use this feature too.
Tried several Chrome extensions, but they do not work when you select several bullet points.
A word count feature as an integral part of Dynalist would be extremely useful for content writers.


Just jumping in to show my support for what would be a very useful feature.