Archive option instead of just delete

It would be great to separate items that can be deleted once completed from items that should remain for archive purposes. If something is achieved it could stay greyed out but not disappear once you hit the option to clear completed items.

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I’ve been thinking about this as well. I like how google keep does this - all checked off items automatically move down to the bottom and are under a collapsible section.

In Dynalist I manually create a node called ‘Archive’, which stays at the bottom of a list. Under Archive, I have two more nodes - ‘Completed’ and ‘Cancelled’. Once I check something off, I drag it under the Completed node. If I don’t have to do something, I drag it under the Cancelled node.

Here’s what I mean:

I wish this was an automated process, but so far, I’ve managed to carry on with my manual workaround.

Document-level archive is coming soon, not sure about item-level.