About notes formatting and font size, web and mobile

I think notes is a very important feature in Dynalist. However, I found difficult to work text within it. First issue is that the font size remains small even as you zoom all in. I was used to WF UI were it goes bigger in relation to the title as you zoom in or smaller as you zoom out.

Another issue about font size is to get a good setting for desktop web and mobile. Sometimes I found a good font-size relation for the web but it doesn’t seems good for mobile.

Another issue for me is the lack for more markdown formatting to work with full text. A use a lot of markdown unnumbered list (-) and (>) comments in my texts and still can’t do it in Dynalist.


You mean the note of the current header? The ones below it doesn’t seem to change in size.

Letting you pick different setting for each device is probably a better idea. Honestly, some people would think 16px on desktop should be 18px on mobile, whereas someone would want 20px. It’s pretty subjective.

Interesting use case. Dynalist is a list maker after all – why use Markdown rather than making subitems?

Yes, try to compare the behavior of WF notes as you zoom in. The notes font size goes bigger.

Yes. But as I understand mobile and web sync the font setting, right?

I do a lot of journaling and all my lists have notes with short or long texts. I miss to better format that text with markdown. I was used to format it using Dayone before I moved all my notes to WF and now to Dynalist.

Yeah, but we have been considering making some options local for a while now. The main difficulty we’re having is how to indicate which settings are local on the UI so it’s intuitive what’s happening.

I understand that.

Still about notes formatting, I realized that the cross linking stamp only appears if the notes are set to show all, even if toggle to article view is not showing the stamp if not in show notes mode.

Another issue is that if you enter a #tag in notes, Dynalist can’t recognize it as a tag link.

Both of these are working fine for me. For cross linking stamps, if you set note to 1st line and the link is on first line, it works fine.

Regarding tag not recognized as tag, what operating system and environment are you on? I tried both Windows desktop app and Windows Chrome and it works fine in both of them.

Also, it might be better to file a bug under the “Bug” category. The template will clarify what information is needed for us to understand a bug.

First line yes but no in the whole note as it the same for others formatting. [quote=“Erica, post:7, topic:655”]
Regarding tag not recognized as tag, what operating system and environment are you on? I tried both Windows desktop app and Windows Chrome and it works fine in both of them.

Using Chrome here. Inserted the tag near to the end of a long note and it cound’t be recognized as a tag.

Is it possible that you get this impression before you’re editing it?

When you’re not editing it the tag should be clickable; same thing for all other formats.

That’s what I said about only good for tags and stamp in the 1st line. If it’s below, only choosing for show all note.

I tried article view as you said, and links and stamps are both usable in show all or 1st note mode.

I guess I still don’t understand your reply. What do you mean by “If it’s below, only choosing for show all note.”?

A screenshot would definitely help, with information of if it’s showing all note or 1st line, plus where the cursor is. Thanks!