Tree structure not preserved when pasting

Steps to reproduce

  • One
    • Two
  • Three
    • Four.

Select three. Cut.
Move to the start of One. Paste.

Expected result

  • Three
    • Four.
  • One
    • Two

Actual result

  • Three
    • Four. One
    • Two

The trouble with this result is it becomes difficult to fix the structure. Yes, I can press enter to separate Four and One, but to restore the proper structure is a pain because all the things that used to be under One are no longer under One. Because One changed its indentation in the process, but its children didn’t.


Windows, Foxpro.

Additional information

Additional comments

So the workaround is to make an empty spot before pasting, but the simple question is: Is there any situation you do NOT want a multi-node paste to behave like Expected Result above? I think that result is always desired, and would make cut/paste operations much smoother to execute.

To actually move an item, we recommend dragging and dropping or Move to if that’s possible.

I also changed the title, trying to attract more attention here. Curious if others feel the same way about this behavior.

Of course Move To is fine if you are moving to the end of something. And that something is easily identifiable by typing something. Drag/Drop is fine if both are on the screen at once. Indeed, Move Up/Down are also good ideas. The only reason for the cut/paste process to be used is years of habit in all other text editors. And, if you want to move something between widely separated locations.

The “Expected Result” above is a very reasonable behavior and the one I would expect. Perhaps there is another different reasonable behavior for Cut/Paste but the current “Actual Result” is not one, IMO. (What is it even doing here? I would struggle to describe it in words, I think.)

I’ve trained myself to use the workaround of creating a blank element and pasting there but it’s a matter of me adapting to unusual tool behavior. (And I still often do it wrong, undo, then utilize the workaround.)

I do use Drag/Drop and MoveTo regularly, but sometimes Cut/Paste is really preferred as when moving offscreen to a location where I might not immediately recall the MoveTo destination search. Cut/Paste is a pretty basic function and should just work.