Recents, based on zoomed to items

It would be wonderful if Dynalist would have a Recents (or “Recent”) feature, which would show the last dozen or so items that have been zoomed to. The beauty of this is that the user usually zooms to an item that needs focus. For instance, it might be a particular lecture and its notes, or a particular project and its notes. This allows the user to jump right back in to the things they have been working on recently. I think this would be a huge hit with the Dynalist community! Thanks for considering this. Keep up the wonderful work you do to keep make Dynalist even more awesome!

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UI idea: recent documents is part of Ctrl+O file finder, when you don’t write anything.

It could be the same for item finder (Ctrl+Shift+O): when you don’t type anything, it shows the last five zoomed into items?