Hashtags ("#") that are part of URLs show up as Tags in tag pane

Steps to reproduce

  1. Include URL that happens to contain a ‘#’ somewhere in Dynalist.
  2. Open Tag pane.

Expected result

Tag pane would only list tags that are intentionally created by user.

Actual result

If there is a URL anywhere in Dynalist that contains a hashtag somewhere in its address, it shows up as if it’s a tag in the Tag pane.


Which operating system are you using? Desktop client macOS and iOS app.

Hi @Luke, this sounds like bug we’ve fixed before.

Could you check which version your desktop app is on? Thanks!

Hmmm… it’s not doing it anymore. macOS desktop version 1.0.38. I guess I wasn’t using the updated app before. Does app autoupdate?


It updates itself when it’s restarted, so it’s a good idea to restart it every now and then to get the latest changes. We do a few releases each month.

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How large are the package sizes? Although I rarely encounter bugs, I sometimes wonder if I’m restarting the app too early by prematurely cancelling the download of the new update/setup file.

Around 40 MB I think. As long as you let it open for like 5 minutes, it should be fine.

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