Document not syncing

The original bug has been long fixed, it’s where clicking on the “Sync Now” button doesn’t actually work after a user has been offline for a while. This was originally due to an issue with the backoff mechanism implemented to prevent overwhelming the sync server in case there was an issue.

In your case, pressing the hamburger menu should show you whether your changes are “Saved” or “Synced”.

I feel syncing seems to be less frequent even the smart-phone is connecting to WiFi.

Hmm I’m not sure why that’s the case, but in theory it shouldn’t be. On every sync attempt, the app checks that the OS reports that you’re on cell network/data, and if so, skips the sync until a bit later. If you don’t mind the data usage then that shouldn’t matter.

Are you checking the OS setting or the application-specific setting? I could tell my iPhone to not allow cellular data specifically for DynaList. I don’t do this, but it is there.

Regarding Saved or Synced the issue is Saved / not Saved only comes up after you start editing.

I think if you do it on the OS level, the OS just cut off internet access for the said app when you’re on data.

I would imagine the setting to be unreliable if the OS would require the app to check it. After all, the OS has the ability to not give the app internet access.