BOOLEAN / Multitag searches OR timestamp all notes

reference on how I generally organinze my docs:

I had a multidoc workflow, but I find that there’s a lot of limitations when it comes to multi-doc searching (cannot collapse and uncollapse panes when searching multidocs), so I am going to try to have only one document for everything and a bookmarks setup


I try to generally put dates on all my notes, and have assigned the following tagging conventions:

“@” tags are specifically for what people consider as “tags”. Like @home @personal, etc

“#” tags are specifically for dates.

“!” tags used sparingly for major events / meetings / flight trips that kind of thing for my google calendar workflows

I use a kanban-style LEAN sprint workflow that i use purely using . I organize my sprints with the following convention:

.#February 2017
…Week of #2/20/17 to #2/26/17

.#January 2017
.#December 2016


I use a combination of customized CSS skins, ALT/ASCII codes, and image/file servers with specialized chrome plugins to make my doc easier to use. Its basically on steroids

The problem here on that diagram is “#10” (open the image in new tab to see full image)

There’s no date logging to my knowledge when notes are created, so I manually reference things I do throughout the day ("#2/28/17" for today) in different areas of my document (Above image accounts for general notes, but I have notes in other sections for online courses, my personal knowledge wikis, etc)

Ideally, at the end of everyweek, I would like to “favorite” a bookmark search with multi-tag searches

"#2/20/17 OR #2/21/17 OR #2/22/17 OR #2/23/17 OR # 2/24/17 OR #2/25/17 OR #26/17"

It seems really redundant that I would have to write all that out, but since I’m using dynalistpro, I would only add it once as a bookmark, and then click to see all notes I made that week.

The other argument is simply to bookmark that week as a tag, but that would be extremely redundant if I have to add a day and a week tag to a document

Your suggestion might be to use the “!” and “Search within date range”, but the problem is I have the “!” operator reserved for quickly adding an event date / meeting note when I’m in dynalist, and I also really hate the “2 days later… 9:30 AM” notification changes it has.

See reference:




please have a feature where I can have multitag/BOOLEAN searches and be able to bookmark those searches somehow to search for things like

"#2/20/17 OR #2/21/17 OR #2/22/17 OR #2/23/17 OR # 2/24/17 OR #2/25/17 OR #26/17" and bookmark it


Time stamp everynote somehow so I can somehow look up what things I wrote that week

Because at the end of the week, if I cannot see the progress I’ve made, it makes it difficult to reward myself for all my hard work psychologically in a kanban-lean style setup. Meaning I’m less productive

Maybe this function already exists but I didn’t find it anywhere.

The boolean search is already there:

You can bookmark the search as-is (that is: a local search) or hit ctrl+enter and bookmark that for a system wide search.

Consider tagging dates as #feb #20 #2016 and/or including something like #week09. With the former you’ll be able to do searches like “anything in 2016” or “#feb #2015”. The latter is just handy if you want to see the week quickly. I have it in autothotkey so I don’t need to figure out which week number it is :slight_smile:

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thanks for the suggestion, I might try to implement some autohotkey functions for tagging.

Like if I type #2/20/16 it autocompletes to #2/20/16 #week09 or something. Not sure how exactly I would tell my autohotkey how many days are in a month, etc

What does your autohotkey script look like anyhow?

Also, what does your general workflow look like?


For week:

:*:week  ::
	StringRight, Week, A_YWeek, 2
	SendInput week %Week%
	Send {Space}

For date:

:*:date  ::
   FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,, yyyy-MM-dd
   SendInput %CurrentDateTime%
	Send {Space}

Dynalist workflow depends on which document I’m in.

My work queue goes 12 weeks/slots out. At the end of the week I move that slot to the bottom of the list and update its dates. So my queue my go from Slot 1 to Slot 12, another week from Slot 2 to Slot 12, Slot 1.
Completed work gets added to client entries. I rarely have to refer back to past work, but it’s handy to have a quick view.

Another important section is a “wiki”-like document where I note all kinds of knowledge relevant to my work. It interlinks quite heavily, something that is sooooo easy to do in DL.

Checklists section for all kinds of…checklists :smiley:

Oh, and I have “Archived YYYY” (e.g. Archived 2016) entries where I move checked off/done things that I might want to see later in life.


thanks for the suggestions ruud

I have tried out a program called phraseexpress (autohotkey wrapper application) which has some pretty nice features to it for customizing text extension

Oh, and I have “Archived YYYY” (e.g. Archived 2016) entries where I move checked off/done things that I might want to see later in life.

Are you still using one document for your archives as well, or putting that years files elsewhere?

My work queue goes 12 weeks/slots out. At the end of the week I move that slot to the bottom of the list and update its dates. So my queue my go from Slot 1 to Slot 12, another week from Slot 2 to Slot 12, Slot 1.

I assume this means you are organizing documents by quarter (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4)

Completed work gets added to client entries. I rarely have to refer back to past work, but it’s handy to have a quick view.

Are you dumping all your notes in the same general section? I assume you do some sort of webdevelopment. I use this convention:

✪✪(at)tags (at)tag
✪✪✪Notes here
✪✪✪Notes Here
✪✪✪Notes here

I toss personal and work related things in the same area, although I am starting to tag (at)home if I made my notes at home

Another important section is a “wiki”-like document where I note all kinds of knowledge relevant to my work. It interlinks quite heavily, something that is sooooo easy to do in DL.

I have a wiki that is organized by the general broad topic that it is in (E.G. one for computerscience, one for mechanical calculations / hobby related work, one for accounting, etc) that I add bits of data here and there. The workflow is like this for me:

✪ComputerScience (at)CS (general formulas go here)
✪✪Journal notes
✪✪✪# Date
✪✪✪# Date

✪✪Hash Tables
✪✪✪Condensed Notes on hash tables
✪✪Linked Lists
✪✪✪Condensed Notes in linked lists
✪✪✪Condensed Notes on Recursion


Color schemas are going to be using a customized CSS skin on H2 and H3 tags, and the CTRL+SHIFT+1 to 6 numbers are wild card organizers, since anything more than 5 bullet points in succession gets hard to look at

The following main document convention (I will be using only one document) I am going to adopt is a LIFO (Last In First Out). Here is the parent tree structure I will be using

✪COURSE NOTES (Podcasts, Udemy, Youtube, codecamp, etc)
✪…{insert the next months general notes like APRIL 2017}
✪MARCH 2017

This way everything that’s important is near the top of my document, everything not nearly as important (older docs) sit at the bottom.

Wikis follow a bottomsup approach to learning, kind of like creating a “cheat sheet” before an exam. Example:


Naturally, I won’t be filling in wikis very often, but its a slow progression of notes compared to my lightning-fast sprint notes I make on my daily sheets. Notes here will be web links, short summary, links to my codesnippets using github gists, stackoverflow screenshots, etc.

Each thing like “Accounting” is treated similarly to evernote’s tagging system, so instead of accounting its “(at)accounting”. I will be crosslinking documents in my wiki, but ideally I’d like to use “(at)tags” to help me be able to see different views between my wikis and my sprint daily log. Also everything will be alphabetically organized here, so computer science

Course notes follow a traditional topdown approach to learning. Under courses will be the course name , followed by the courses conventional organizational structure

I will be using I think will be using some sort of autohotkey implementation for 52 weeks instead of the 12 you have proposed. This way, each week has a unique primary-style key, and things don’t need to be changed as often (you know, basic database principles)

Also, every item in my list needs to be slapped with a date, either as the parent bullet point, or on the bulletpoint itself. I will be using an autohotkey implementation with the following:

`#feb #2017 #20 #W01 (for the week)

I won’t need to write #monday or #tuesday since I know the start of my week is on a monday, and the end is on a snuday

GTD / Kanban style setup is using LEAN-based sprints , with the following conventions

✪✪ Priority 1 stuff goes near top of list
✪✪ Priority 2 stuff goes before priority 1
✪✪ Priority 3 goes lower
✪✪ -----WAITING ON------------
✪✪ This is stuff I am waiting on
✪✪ ----LOW PRIORITY------------
✪✪ This is stuff I have to do, but I could really

✪✪ This is just a bucketlist of items I have to do in the future

I won’t be using any sort of “deadlines” since I know I am going to be working at 100% effort most of the time, so I will be ignoring the “!” functions

For small things at work, like do this for client ABC, I have sticky notes. And basic emails. Those don’t need to be logged in dynalist

Each task under TO-DO has a checkmark tick next to it, and has no child -actionable nodes, only comments about the status of the task.

Tasks aren’t full blown project things like “Finish huge project XYZ that takes several months” but rather the small byte sized tasks inside of it. I may tag these tasks using (at)projectName so I know which project it belongs too, but probably not

Also, I will not be putting any dates (create or finish date) as I don’t care when the task was created, and by default with this system I will know when it was completed (because its under that parent week)

I only check through this list, once every morning to update it and then collapse it and get it out of the way.
When an item is done, I cross it out using CTRL+ENTER and simply forget about , but I do not delete anything at all and I will tag that completed item with its parent project name first (there will be a matching folder with that project name under WIKI I think to summarize progress I’ve made)

At the start of new week, I CHECKED ITEMS: HIDE" and copy paste last weeks TO-DO and MAYBE-LATER into the new week

Also, once a week I go through all my notes made that week (filter by #W01). Summarize important things I did that day, or significant events I attended. Subsequently also at the end of the month, maybe at the end of every season and year as well


Since I will be using #W01 for week 1, and autohotkey tagging every item or its parent category with a week, I don’t need bookmarks for time-related things

Bookmarks are going to be for specific areas in my WIKI I reference often, a certain “(at) tag” that I am keeping tabs on, etc.

I have not yet figured out what bookmarks I want to use, but the higher uptop the bookmark is, the more important it will be. Bookmarks are going to replace my file/folder structure i was using on dynalist so I will be bookmarking things like (looking at my documents)

✪(at) Course Notes
✪(at)CS50 intro to cs50, and (then filter by that week which those notes will be under sprints), and a parent structure in COURSE NOTES
✪(at)notetakingsystems Basically, this is where I define all my high-standard rules that I adhere by when taking notes
✪(at)deprecated . These are notetakingsystems that I have deprecated and is my “Trash organization” area
✪(at)dietlog . A research paper-ish I made to figure out what macros/running/weight lifting plan/supplements I am using, with reference to automated googlespreadhseets/form for data analysis
✪(at)bitcoin. A research paper I made understanding pros and cons of bitcoin, and what I could use it for
✪(at)podcastnotes. Notes on podcasts I listen to while driving
✪(at)websiteExamples: I generally run wappalyzer and Builtwith chrome plugins to find out almost everywebsite I visit and what they run, and I document general UX design on a general basis surfing the web
✪(at)Wordpress since I am working on a customized blog theme
✪(at)LANGUAGESPECIFIC. This is where my general PHP / python notes go about syntax, and how to implement a simple “hello world”. All my actual coding snippets are either through gistboxapp / github gists, directly through github, or under my sublime text editor locally (and through git)

Basically, my bookmarks are long and/or ongoing project tags, or wikipedias

Other 3rd party APPS:

Also automated backups go through dropbox which probably is not a great idea privacy wise, but its really convenient

Images go through or any image server I want, using imagus chrome previewer and shareX

File attachments through amazonS3

2ndary system file or image attachments through dynalist directly

Bookmarks through, and google chrome bookmarks. Occassionally I will bookmark wikipedia / libraries (W3C) or specific stackoverflow places, but its done sparingly. More often probably youtube videos

I have a bunch of other useful applications like phaseexpress (for autohotkey) , lots of random chrome plugins for various uses, some archived notes that I no longer use in onenote and evernote, for written proposal-style work in markdown format and pandoc print-friendly formats, trello/slack if I ever wanted to do project management using a shared system,

Social media and sharing go through other workflows. Dynalist is purely for my eyes only. If I wanted to share a doc, I would dump it on amazonS3 ,googledrive, dropbox shared public folder or go through trello for project management shared workflows. If I wanted to put things about my life in general, that’s what twitter/snapchat/instagram/facebook are for, dynalist does not integrate with any of these workflows unless it was something important I had to personally jot down.

shopping and TO-DO/BUYLISTS just go through

Blog -notes or afterthoughts on project / workflows get pushed into a wordpress / (or a forum post like here) instead and I link that post from my daily log or wherever it needs to be linked for traditionally word processing and formatting / printing documents, like if I had to make and send a PDF of instructions to someone

Outlook/ thunderbird / gmail emails stay inside emails, and aren’t copypasted into dynalist whatsoever. If I really need to save an important email, I have evernote for that, which uses the evernote Michael Hyatt style-method of digital filing

Mobile Notes needs improvement and isn’t going to be used that often for me, and I’d rather be doing something other than taking notes on my phone anyhow. The only reason I’d ever use mobile notes is to show some specific document to someone who’s in front of me. I will be adding homepage android shortcuts to specific URL pages on my notes here maybe.

Questions on quora, reddit, stackoverflow, whatever has the most useful information

Basically, Dynalist is my dumping grounds in the event I need to go back and look at something important I saw earlier on my screen (taking screenshots of what settings and profiles I use for softwares), or some thought process I thought of, and also a kanban-style project management tool. Otherwise I have better things to do, like getting stuff done

google calendar meetings like “skype with david” will just be done right in using the “!” operators onto a google calendar home page widget on my phone

Some things I am currently missing right now:

✪Injected code for embedded / preview youtube links using tampermonkey/javascript or css with stylebot

^ so I can do that

whew that was long but that’s how i intend to use my new dynalist system once its setup, with a few minor tweaks here and there. I am simply too lazy to redo my workflow again and want it to be over with so I can focus on actual work. I spent way too many hours testing & thinking of different workflows and ideas. its basically GTD with

Had to find somewhere to dump those thoughts so i decided to dump it here i guess



tags are what i consider to be folders in evernote using GTD michael hyatt / secretweapon / david allen

sprints are where I have, project management, etc. FAST WORKFLOW

DATE - TAG - NOTES convention


TAGX - DATE - NOTES convention, or TAGX - NOTES [date on each line]

where TAG*X means there might be X number of tag/folder hiearchy

course notes are going to be based on course structure

One document, No folders. LIFO structure. Bookmarks ongoing projects and important wikis.

Every item has a time stamp somewhere, either on the bullet point itself or its parent bullet point

Every item has a tag on it, either on the bullet point itself, or its parent bullet point

3rd party apps for other things.

Color text backgrounds are only for wildcard organizing (CTRL+SHIFT+1 to 6), H2 and H3 header tags are for more traditional hiearchial organization

authotokey or phraseexpress to make time stamping easier [[#feb #2017 #20 (the day) #W01 for the week ]]



1 day later, March 1st 2017 MORNING TIME

I thought about some other things I could improve.

  • 5 bullet points in succession max, and then use different color schemas. Its similar to how recruiters get bored looking at resumes with too many bulletpoints
  • Nested tag structure conventions similar to evernote probably under its own root directory (on the same level as WIKIS)
  • Making a to-do-list right in my daily log (@to-do) filtered by that week probably.
    -Customized CSS font (Arial Narrow) and harder to see colors for things I personally don’t care at looking at (URL Links, the date naming convention, etc). I had been using special CSS light color fonts already. see here
    -Additional unicode characters (UTF-8), for easier to lookat notes. For instance, this one: :star2:. I have a specialized instant access clipboard plugin for this: called “chrome notepad”. There’s 50,000 + unicode symbols I could use (emojis, symbols, etC)
  • Every week, I change a bookmark on both google chrome and on my dynalist bookmarks to match that week
    -Phrase express, I found a week# function already (this week is week 9)

This is the date convention I am adopting: #W09 #mon #FEB #29 #2017 and maybe #AM or #PM . Shorthand to input this in is “dd#” since its easy to press all those buttons, and I wouldn’t have that letter combination for any reason anyhow

I don’t think I care too much about the time though, it would create too many excessive unique tags possibly slowing down searches

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Later this morning, March 1st 2017

Adding onto everything on my system

I got a better GTD system down (wrote in

Ideally, I’d like to just take all my notes in my daily log (under MONTH folder -> WEEK NUMBER- > DAY). Occassionally I’ll go to different folders like course notes and wikis, but not often, and if I do, its basically summarizing a lot of notes anyhow for long durations of time. 90% of my time is going to be in spent in my daily folder

I have the following convention down:

✪✪TAG, TAG, TAG, etc
(the notes further down occured later on in the day)

:star2::star2::star2::star2: GENERAL RULES

Normally I have a billion ideas running through my head though, so I have to jot them down without interrupting my general workflow

Ideally I’d like to assign a bulletpoint GTD style as “@TO-DO” . TO-DO is a broad encompassing tag that is generally considered something like an email “inbox”. These are things I have to do, whether it takes me next year, tomorrow, or 1 hour (but not tasks achievable in 5 minutes generally)

I will not be using the CTRL+ENTER checkmark function because I don’t like looking at my notes crossed out for any reason or even filtering them that way. At the same time, I will NEVER delete any notes or any tags (I may rename them though) for any reason, that’s stupid and counterproductive

:star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2: ASSIGNING AND FINISHING A TASK

Instead, after I assign the “(at)TO-DO” operator for things I have to do in my daily log

When that task is done, I will assign “(at) DONE” with “#W09 #mon #FEB #20 #2017” using a phrase express function by typing in “DDD#” which will automatically write that all out

Now I will know when the task was created (based on my daily log) and when the task was finished (based on the phraseexpress function) as well as the project context (since my daily log format is DATE->TAG->NOTES).

Whenever I assign a task to myself using “TO-DO”, I’ll make sure there is lots of tags either on the parent tag or on the bulletpoint itself

Also when the task is finished I will attach a screenshot imgur link, a document using dynalist’s attachment or amazonS3 , that kind of thing

:star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2: MORNING AND SEARCHES

Only ONCE every morning, I will do a bunch of bookmark tag searches. Other than that, I will not be spending anytime doing KANBAN/GTD type of work, 95% of my time should be focused on work related things and progress

(at)TO DO -(at)DONE

These are all items that I have not yet finished

:star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2: PROJECT MANAGEMENT

I would like to just look at (at) projecttagname to see all the progress I’ve made for that project. I would have to make sure I properly tag things well, by convention I should assign ONE (and ONLY one) tag on the actually task’s bullet point.


✪✪TAG, TAG, TAG, etc
✪✪✪LOREM IPSUM NOTES BLAH BLAH (AT)specific_project_TAG_that_takes_months_to_complete (AT)TO-DO [insert screenshot showing success or final document PDF attached here] (AT) DONE “#W09 #mon #FEB #20 #2017

Anything child nodes beneath the task are simply just comments pertaining to issues I might have come across, like reaosns why I’m waiting on XYZ

:star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2: TAGGING THINGS for “TODO LATER” or “WAITING ON”

I outlined all the ways I am going to assign a task, and finishing it, as well its some basic searches.

I am not using any hard deadline date values, those are superficial to me anyways.

I didn’t outline things that need to be “SOMEDAY LATER” or “WAITING ON”

So if I search through (at)TO DO -(at)DONE (which will have a bookmark) ,

if I find something on there that needs to be waited on (it won’t be very often), I’ll add some special color schemas (CTRL + ALT +5 ) on it so I know. Any commetns underneath that task will tell me the reason why I’m waiting on it. I will not be using (at) waiting on because that is subject to change way too frequently

For things like “DO-IT-LATER” or things that are really low priority, I am not so sure. I think I will be using (AT)IDEAS or (AT)DO-IT-LATER and not even mark them as (AT)TO-DO .
Because I will know, right then and there as i make that task, whether I should do it now, or do it later

:star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2: MORNING AND SEARCHES 2.0

So I outlined how I would figure out things I have to do:

(at)TO DO -(at)DONE

These items here are what is considered things that I will do within that week, generally, I think

I could see what items I assigned myself to do even several months back because of how my document is inherently organized (MONTH - WEEK -> DATE -> NOTES) so it would be easy to see what sprints were done and what wasn’t.

Now, I already know when I assign a task in my daily log as “(AT) TO-DO” or “(AT)DO-IT-LATER”. I pick one or the other whenever I write a task. I will also be assigning ONE general project tag to the task (these specific tags will be strictly managed and documented)

Whenever I have time to do something, I will just search


this will let me see, potentially a hundred different things I told myself to do, but didn’t have time to do. I’ll go cherrypick some items and mark them as (AT)TO-DO and promote them, while still retaining the original (AT)DO-IT-LATER tag

:star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2: PSYCHOLOGICAL EVERY MORNING 3.0

I would have to check things I actually did to reward myself for all the hard work, you know that kind of thing

I have already outlined things I will be doing every morning:

(at)TO DO -(at)DONE

When I do this search, I will update any tasks that I actually did finish, and linking it to my log where I finished it, or a screenshot imgur link, or an attached PDF and marking it done as (AT)DONE with the date tags

I have not outlined things I will do once a week, or once a month

SPRINTS are what I considered to be weekly. I want to see, all the things I did that week. I will be summarizing things I did each day, by looking at that day itself .

:star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2: PSYCHOLOGICAL PROGRESS EVERY WEEK

EVERY WEEK I want to do the following (at least once in the morning on Sunday)

First look at everything I wrote down that week. Some notes might be in wikis and course notes, not in my daily log, so I use my “#W09” to see all notes made on week 9 across everywhere. I will summarize things I did everyday for that week

Now that I looked through and dug all my notes in, I want to see all the tasks I finished:

(at)DONE - to see everything I did and finished that week (even from previous weeks)

So I see what’s done now, give myself a pat on the back.

Now I want to go and see things I DID NOT finish, well because simply I ran into some obstacles, didn’t have time, or was too lazy to do


Some tasks from (AT)TO-DO I realize might take too much time, money, or resources that I do not have, so I simply will just ?remove? the ?add a new tag? or ?flat out ignore? that I did not finish it, since its in the previous week list

:star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2: PSYCHOLOGICAL PROGRESS EVERY MONTH

Do the same thing as I do everyweek, except search for “#feb” instead of the “#W09” week number

:star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2: OTHER SEARCHES

I could also search for things like #mon for how productive I am generally on Mondays by something quantative like “word counts” or how many (AT) DONE tags I created compared to say #fri Friday.
I could analyze how lazy I am on saturday and sunday, etc

I could also analyze, at the end of every month, what things do I genreally do? I have to pay my bills, that kind of thing at the end of every month (28th is the standard I set), so I could analyze that as well

I could compare , on a month to month comparison, how much progress I’ve made comparing two months.

This is assuming I take a lot of notes, which isn’t always the case, it smore important that I document major things and ideas and logs that happened throughout the day. I might jot only one line of notes, for 2 hours worth of work, because jotting down notes is counterproductive to actually GTD (getting things done).

Also, this doesn’t assume any datalogging or cross-notes I make, I make notes on wordpress, on googlespreadsheet for tracking things like my weight, social media, that kind of thing

This snapshot only gives me insights on what I consider “busy -work” or things to what I consider goals / ideas I have set for myself. It only gives like a partial picture throughout my day, like I still have to manage work emails, handle clients, etc . Those I don’t log since I check my emails for them

Ideally, any notes that I make elsewhere in other places (like code I wrote) I will at least reference the URL on my github gists or that historical URL

:star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2: SUMMARY

These are all the rules I have set for myself so I could optimize and not spend that much time notetaking / managing notes since its a pain to do

Note apps are only there to make my life easier not harder.

Also, these notes are notes that I take pride in. I have to do a lot of tedious crap at work, so those will be oneliner notes in my daily log or omitted all together. I might have a singular idea that ends up being 10 pages long, that’s something I can talk about.

Because at the end of the day, I might show some of these notes to someone in person/recruiter/friend/maybeYouTube/whatever whether its with a laptop, a phone, etc.

I am not taking diary notes here (things I felt today) generally speaking. Those belong elsewhere when I’m skyping / messaging buddies / hobby-related things / drunk at a bar

I am using for mostly project management , tracking logs, ideas -> into actionable items, wikipedias, course notes. Its a mostly private knowledge repository basically like how you’d use evernote or onenote or whatever notetaking apps out there

3/1/16 at night after thoughts:


Doesn’t need (at) TO-DO tags, too much redundant information, each task needs to be assigned only one PROJECT MANAGEMENT BASED tag , such as (at)do-it-later , probably shorten to (at) do-later, etc and (at) waiting on

searches will be simpler


:ballot_box_with_check:☒ →:ballot_box_with_check:☒ →:ballot_box_with_check:☒ →:ballot_box_with_check:☒ →:ballot_box_with_check:☒ →:ballot_box_with_check:☒ →:ballot_box_with_check:☒ →:ballot_box_with_check:☒ →:ballot_box_with_check:☒ →


Other problems. Cannot narrow down search for @to-do without looking at parent tags with current system. Assigning @to-do tasks right then and there will get really bloated and confusing down the road

Reverting back to original workflow I outlined:

✪✪✪✪TO-DO tasks (AT) projecttaskname
✪✪✪✪TO-DO tasks (AT) projecttaskname2


Cross out that list of items when its done for that week, copy over items not crossed out into the next week

Assigning tasks within that dailylog can get really bloated since I’m writing a lot of unformatted notes anyhow.

Date tags can be all together omitted, because when a task is finished that week, it is clearly crossed out. When the task was assigned, it could be referenced by the first time that log appeared somewhere, assuming I don’t change any of the wording of the tasks

However, the following issues will occur on view modes:

  1. Searching through that (AT) projecttaskname will be really bloated though, since a reoccuring unfinished task will appear multiple times… unless I use EXCLUDE the use of some tags under search filters. Or, just look at finished tags only? At the same time, it would let me see how many times that task was assigned and not finished

Other notes: Have a dual pane window for workflow, ONE TAB is assigned to daily logging notes, another tab is for project management. Both can be open all day, have triple monitor setup, could probably go quadruple monitor setup

Other questions, related to GTD workflow

  • Inbox (this will be everywhere, sticky notes on wallet, TODOIST on my phone app, randomly generated notes I make on daily logs, etc many sources)
  • To-do (for that week, copy-paste method and CTRL+ENTER for items completed)
    - Next Tasks -> 3-5 Items sitting near top of list under TO-DO, possible colorcoding
  • DO-IT-LATER -> leave as is, there could be a hundred items here (similar to (AT) ideas))
    - WAITING FOR SOMETHING -> Sitting under somewhere under TO-DO, possible colorcoding
  • FINISHED - CTRL+ENTER for that week

Revised Daily, Weekly, and Monthly workflow

:star2::star2: DAILY

Two windows are open at all times, daily logging of things for that day, the other to quickly implement tasks under TO-DO or DO-IT-LATER under that week’s parent bulletpoint

Log things following all the rules I outlined (DATE -> TAG- >NOTES) in whatever free form I want

MORNING (Spend 5 - 10 minutes)

Check through once everyday all the TO-DO tags


Tasks should be clearly defined, short, and to the point

Check through TO-DO tags up to 3xs throughout day

CTRL+ENTER if that task was finished. Under my daily log, pick the latest imgur link summary item and [Task]( link) syntax so its easier to look at

Assign new items (AT) TO-DO or (AT) DO-IT-LATER depending on whether its something important or just an idea

Under view mode, have “hide checked items” for that week

:star2::star2: WEEKLY

MORNING (Spend 30 minutes here)

Read through every note made that week. Tag things as needed if they weren’t tagged enough (2-3 minimal). Summarize each day with 2-3 important things made

“Unhide checked items” for that week, and see what was not and what was physically done that week

Search “CHECKED ITEMS” for items that were actually completed, make a PDF print of it

“Hide checked items”. Copy over everything from (AT) TO-DO and (AT) DO-IT-LATER into the next week’s parent tag

Check “W09” (week 09) for things logged that week in other sections, such as coursenotes and wikis.

With clean log of items for next week, re-analyze workflow. Determine if new parent tags like “(AT) WAITING ON” or “(AT) NEXT TASKS” are needed, if it gets difficult to look at things.

Adjust priority of items in “(AT) TO DO” and categorize items in “(AT) DO-IT-LATER” if items exceed 100 bulletpoints

:star2::star2: MONTHLY (1 hour here)

Just search “#feb” for february notes and summarize any week notes, clean up things, reanalyze workflows. Check if rules are being enforced


Under WIKI->"(AT) PROJECT STATUS) click and see what items were added here.

Both daily log notes and actual tasks will be shown here

To check what items were and were not completed yet:

  • COMPLETED ITEMS (search for all checkmarked off items), can see the date the week they were finished)

  • INCOMPLETE ITEMS (search that latest week, hide “checked items”)

  • Daily log - other tasks that were completed here were not assigned (since they were finished so quickly, and /or lots of log notes)


Check things like #FEB for february notes, #mon for monday notes, or search specific days using #FEB #20 for february 20

Compare notes to other notes made elsewhere (email logs , forum posts, etc) if I really wanted to see everything I did that day

:ballot_box_with_check:☒ →:ballot_box_with_check:☒ →:ballot_box_with_check:☒ →:ballot_box_with_check:☒ →:ballot_box_with_check:☒ →

3/2/17 at night

I realize that I have some problems currently put a #date on the same bulletpoint line, because it takes too much space.

"#W09 #Mon #Feb #20 #2017 "

The vast majority of that information is completely irrelevant in a project management workflow. I think, all I really care about, is a primarykey for that week. I don’t really care that what I do each day either, more so I care how much stuff I finished in a week

#W09” for week 9

but more specifically,

#W09A” for week 9, year 2017.

Year 2019 will be “#W09B” for the same week 9 of that year

In my main document, I will be ignoring everything I stated above for my month rules, and use the following hierarchy of notes:

✪YEAR 2017
✪✪✪DAY 7
✪✪✪DAY 6
✪✪✪DAY 5
✪✪✪DAY 4
✪✪✪DAY 3
✪✪✪DAY 2
✪✪✪DAY 1 (Monday), #W01A #MON #JAN #02 #2017

As per my other conventions, every item in my document, either on the bulletpoint itself or its parent bulletpoint, will have at least ONE tag and a WEEK tag assigned to it

For WIKI - notes, I will just tag each bullet point. I have a phrase express function, I use “d#” to automatically generate that weeks tag

Under each week, whenever a new task is created, I will still be using my above outlined workflows, but now I will date the week that tag was created. So now I will know when a tag was truly completed & how long it took, when I cross it out.

The main focus is that my sprints last one week long

Consequently, I could also look at specific dates using just week, like the first week of that month, vs the last week of that month, to get an idea of what things I focused on (e.g. end of month pay bills, beginning of month explore new ideas, etc)

Note to self I wll also be looking at how I tagged my evernote tags, and closely mimicking my tags into dynalist using those. it is under my PROJECT folder

Also, when a course is finished, I will be using the “@DONE” tag to indicate its a finished course, and then time stamp it (the week it started, and the week it ended)

Also, on the course, I will manually put a notice like how far I am completed as a whole for that course title
(e.g. 20%, 30%, 40%, etc) so I don’t need to click on it. For ongoing courses I book mark them or colorcode

Also, I have a feeling that I will go past the 572 kB limit so hopefully resource overload on one document won’t happen

:ballot_box_with_check:☒ →:ballot_box_with_check:☒ →:ballot_box_with_check:☒ →:ballot_box_with_check:☒ →:ballot_box_with_check:☒ →:ballot_box_with_check:☒ →

3/3/17 in morning

Tweaking my existing workflow, I wrote 16 sticky notes of items to add on here onto my wallet inbox this morning

This system I am outlining is going to be a fall back plan for any personal to-do project workflows. By creating a system like this, it doesn’t matter if I have to layer on another team-based project management workflow to seperate work from personal goals

Back to the item I have

One issue I have is macro-managing other peoples tasks for them. Everyone has their own workflow system and you cannot force anyone to adopt your system (e.g. freelancers, friends, family, etc) because it creates too much of a burden for them. This is atypical in project management, you have a remote team, an inhouse team, and whatever, and for some reason nobody wants to change systems

Specifically , in the GTD workflow:

For the most part, if I ever have a WAITING FOR, it falls into two broad categories:

  • Somebody was assigned a task, (normally I paid them to do it). Services vary, r/slavelabor forums,,, MSPs. Normally there is a system I can use that system instead.
  • I am awaiting somebody’s advice on some unfamiliar tracking system that I cannot RSS (Envato, Jira, Zendesk, Forums, reddit, stackoverflow, remind a friend, autohotkeyetc) and sometims cannot even have email forwarding without doing a lot of work. It becomes a pain to remember which forum was for what items and when I need to look at it. I have to use their system, because that is where all the useful information is at. The only information I can reference 100% of the time is a URL hyperlink

For the former, if I can do everything in another system for team-based project management, there’s no need for me to make a note of it, although I will probably still dump some notes in it in my daily log. If its a task I have not yet assigned yet (e.g. I try spacing out tasks for someone), I will make a log of it

For the latter, I usually keep a bookmark of it on chrome, but sometimes I completely forget about it though, and so I should probably assign the task and the URL hyperlink as well

The general document hiearchy is this:

✪✪✪WAITING ON (This section is purely dependent on other people)
✪✪✪DAY 7
✪✪✪DAY 6

WAITING ON is where i will put tasks I assign other people, and feedback I am awaiting on.

Sometimes, when I want feedback, I’ll multipost spam. E.G. post it on quora, reddit, stackoverflow, same copy-pasta question, ideally I’d like to quickly reference which questions I posted where. Sometimes I get literally 0 responses, partially because my questions I do not know how to word correctly, or post on the wrong subreddit, posting at the wrong time of day, or because simply I don’t know enough about the topic to ask a good question.

There’s many hyperlinks to one task in “WAITING ON”. By that convention, I want to KISS(keep it simple stupid). So I will simply copy the hyperlinks into a childnode and hide it

Also, Ideally, I would need to know, Was my question really answered or not? Because I need to revisit it later. A lot of times it goes unanswered, because nobody responded, and I still cannot find the correct answer.

These requests for knowledge/information can really be pertaining to anything. From issues I get stuck on in code, to something I do not really understand. Sometimes just googling or youtubing an answer comes up void, because its too hard to find.

Because I am learning almost everything with little to no background or monetary support (I cannot simply just talk to / call someone for an answer I do not know - these questions are too specific and technical in nature), I have to rely on forums, and purely things on the internet.

By this notion, I am going to adapt the following:

✪✪✪✪✪ Hyperlink 1 or just write “reddit” -> (then navigate to latest submissions)
✪✪✪✪✪ Hyperlink 2
✪✪✪✪✪ Hyperlink 3

I will CTRL+ RIGHT CLICK or navigate to whatever forum it is I posted on

For simplicity right now, I will be lumping all my tasks I assign to people and things I am awaiting to hear back on. Partially because I don’t assign many tasks to people anyhow

✪✪✪✪ -------
✪✪✪✪ WaitingOnResponse 1
✪✪✪✪ WaitingOnResponse 2

I don’t know how this convention will hold up for me, but I have simply made a note of it and will see what sticks and what does not.

Also, I may or may not set deadlines here as well, using the “!” operator, and a google calendar that is NOT my “personal calendar” to prevent confusion of personal google calendars vs calendars. Use sparingly. Deadlines, meetings, and status updates goes hand in hand around same time frames.

E.G. I might have to have a meeting with XYZ person, for their project update statuses and arrange a meeting time. I don’t have more than a few handful of meetings a week, so not a big deal. I check up on this on my android google calendar widget on phone

When a task is done, like my other workflows, cross it out, attach and if I have time, attach image screenshots and/or files

Once a week, go physically print out all tasks done.

As a side note, only items in “TO-DO” or “WAITING -ON” will have items crossed out, “DO-LATER” will not, because it will be promoted to “TO-DO” first

As another side note, the general priority of items below “TO-DO” or “WAITING ON” or “DO-LATER” is the following:



----------OTHER NOTES

-Project Tags -> will be following evernote tag style . I will actually describe every tag I make here, there will be two types of general ("@") tags

these will be the following

  • Tags I am actively tracking, what most people consider as “project folders”
  • Tags that I just name on the fly, what most people consider a “tag” or “hashtag”

Tags that I am actively tracking thus far are the following (not many)

  • (AT)Fitness (for running logs, spreadsheet log summaries, weight tracking, improvements I am making towards running (e.g. building spotify library), nutrition macros, supplement tracking, etc)
  • (AT)notetakingsystems (overriding notes that discuss ALL workflow & timesaving improvements of ANY nature I’ve made/came up with)
  • (AT) dynalist.io_improvements (improvements made specifically to workflow)
  • (AT) [] A website I am working on
  • (AT) [] Another specific website I am working on
  • (AT) [] Another website I am working on
  • (AT) [work] - Specific project related tasks for work, it varies so much that I just named it “work”.
  • (AT) datalogging - this is an ongoign continous improvement of tracking things I think are relevant to my life (e.g. my weight vs frequency/intensity of how much i am running vs eating habits). ✪ This also includes, tracking how many bulletpoints I make a week, VS how many words I write VS how many tasks I assign and complete a week.
  • (AT) [specificCourseName] - these are active classes I am taking
  • (AT) [specificTextBookName] - If I am actively reading a textbook for any reason or referencing it often , ideally have the .epub or pdf file and then sort of MLA-style reference it / screenshot &highlight + Page number
  • For long software manuals, like a wordpress guide which might be 100 pages, or a youtube channel, debately add an active tag here. To be determined

That’s about 10 or so tags, that I generally use offhand, that I also recount without looking at.

Other tags I am considering actively tracking will go in a different section (e.g. courses I audited and looked into just for 5 minutes, but didn’t care enough about, “Textbook name I am semi-reading”, etc)

Everything else is redundant and won’t be tracked (no RoI), although, I will look into what tags I start naming frequently, and promote them to actively tracked tasks

:star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2: TAG HIERARCHY

I outlined project tags above. But ideally I’d like to have, nested tag structures, but that’s already going to be built into dynalist maybe, so I might not do this.

Basically… (lookignn at evernote)

  • Company Reference Tags (child nodes, order alphabetically)
    – Client1 I worked with
    – Client2 I worked with
    –Client 3 I worked with
  • People
    – Person 1
    – Person 2
    – Person 3

I don’t really use these tag panes in evernote that often though, but it may be used sparingly every month or so if its easy to implement.

Also, there’s better ways to log this information, such as contacts on phone, etc

I might predefine these tags ahead of time, but currently, there is no way to remember or find which tags have been added recently though.

:star2::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2: OTHER THINGS - ASSIGNING TASKS TO OTHER PEOPLE

I could always “export items” and have a dedicated tag if I am constantly assigning tasks to someone (e.g. think of VA or virtual assistants). Most of these tasks will just be “Checkup on XYZ for me” or “Run mundane errand 1”. The option is there, I simply just make a dedicated tag for it:


I write a bulletpoint list of items everyday or everyweek or whatever. Then I export it out, print it, or email it. Ask person to tag each item whether it was finished, what the general comment was, any files attached if needed, copy-over and reimport back into “ASSISTANT”. Especially if there’s going to be lots of bulletpoints assigned to that person

I won’t be using this , but I have outlined it nonetheless

This could also act as a simple SOP (standard operating procedures) list for someone too to do everyday, and a means to check up on it


(Fonts need to be adjusted, color schemas for clarity, and CSS mods)

-Project / common tags need to be shorter
-Weeks are stamped at the beginning of the task for consistency / clarity, at least for tasks, possibly for wiki notes as well
-Arial narrow font removed on CSS to make it easier to edit

Tasks need to be succint, and to the point in as few words as possible because looking at so many tasks is confusing.

Color schema may need to change on the @tag, to something lighter in nature so its not so overbearing. OR darker to match the color of black font color

-Items in DO-LATER renamed to “SOMEDAY” instead for easier clarity. ?Cross out items? if they are finished under here

-Tasks details are right underneath describing as well as relevant hyperlinks if needed (see “WAITING ON” notes)

CSS / readability ease

Change to black theme (based on experiences of github dark), much easier to look at as well and seperate different color schemas:, less eye fatigue

Leave all suggested settings on to embed gifs and images. Backup upload method from shareX will now be snaggy, image upload purely for inline only (redundant copies are OK, shareX should have every item though even if uploaded to

Leave all settings on for optimal reading

cleaned a lot of settings up, week tags omitted all together only on the main tag. Removed redundant info. If the same tag appears in multiple locations remove it , because during searches the highlighting on search is overbearing

optimized settings on H1, H2, H3 CSS so it follows closely to what you’d actually use those header tags for, without colors being too overbearing, whilst at same time being able to see what’s important

Adding simple wildcards using bolds and italics. Bold is mostly used as “traditional highlighting” and italics are more for differentiating different header tags

Finalized version of notes in action for courses like, with easy to enter notes, and many simple view modes (e.g. try focusing on just the highlighted text, then just purely on images, just the white text, or a combination of all of them) in the same workflow.

alternatively can use markdown syntax as well to embed images in view, sparingly, to give more note variety / wildcard effect

also , side note, whenever I want to search for all tasks done, I use this filter: "@to-do OR @waitingon OR @someday is: completed"  or just "is: completed"

IT would populate the following information now:

✪ Year 2017:
✪✪ Week number
✪✪✪TODO (if any completed tasks here)
✪✪✪WAITING ON (if any completed task here)
✪✪✪SOMEDAY (if any completed task here)

Since each item was tagged here with the week it was created, I can search through to see how long that task has been floating around. 

✪✪ Week
✪✪✪ TODO
✪✪✪✪ TASK  

Using a basic python script, I would look for the week the tag was assigned in, and which week it was sitting in when completed. Since each tag was assigned only ONE project tag, and these rules were enforced, I could easily automatically create a gantt chart with 1 button

The results would look like:

✪✪TASK (Date, to Date)
✪✪TASK (Date to Date)

at the end of the month, or year, or whatever, I can just print out a chart with one click that looks like this:

<img src='/uploads/default/original/1X/6f915c958b15b24272af947fd202e9738c1000d4.png'>

The applications of this are practically endless. If you are doing a yearly annual review , and your boss wants to know what you did, well its all automatically done into one easy to view chart. I had already enforced short bulletpoint tasks, so you are only skimming the top bullet point node.

One issue is if you would have to manually piece the tasks organization together (third level task b, to second level task). Which is possible, if you made multiple project tags, under one parent final project tag during the whole ordeal. 

For a more waterfall approach, using this lean-based method, you could also create future gantt charts right into dynalist and then automatically process it afterward into excel data Excel data would look something along the lines of (col 1: task name, col2: date created, col3: date finished, col4: project tag, col5: (optional) parent project tag)

In this instance, I wouldn't sort by date, but rather weeks anyhow. If it was a long project it would span weeks anyways.

The other way is just simply clicking through that (AT) project tag and seeing what items you finished in, but it wouldn't be as aesthetically pretty though

**Note To self** I almost never write down daily tasks, so this would never show up. There so shortlived that it doesn't make sense that I jot them down. Also, in my daily writing log, I am not sure if i should be differentiating ideas VS notes/tracking logs, since ideas get promoted to tasks anyhow.

side note, I think I will tag everything by week then day #, so I can cross reference my daily notes to see exactly what I was thinking  that day.

"#W9A #03" or "#W9A #Mon", if that week was Monday the 3rd. Since all my weeks start on monday. Probably will use the former, its shorter. If I search my notes for #W9A #03 I could also find out what day that is too on my daily log, or look at a calendar, also I would know its March the 3rd just because there's 4 weeks in a month roughly
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I like how thorough you are with thinking your own system through.

As David Allen would ask; do you think it will hold up on the days you have no energy or feel sick?

Also, what’s the overriding goal of your system? I take away from it that looking back at everything that has been done is an important aspect of it.

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This system will hold up for me on days I have no energy or feel sick, in many ways I draw inspiration from my own writing and work ethic. I can look back and take some pride that I generated X number of great ideas that I can execute on, actually finished Y task, and at least looked into Z task. Everytime I give a piece of advice to someone, I follow my own advice, because I feel intrinsically I know what works and what doesn’t but it needs to be words on paper.

The overriding goal of my system is the following:

I’m learning a lot of CS/webdevelopment during my free time both for work and for professional development. I have a number of personal projects that I am working on, and realistically I know that I cannot do them all either with the limited knowledge and resources at my disposal

In addition, I am the type of person that never does something unless I can do it correctly the first time with as little effort as possible . I will spend, an extra 20 hours, learning and documenting excel VBA, knowing I can automate a couple of minutes here and there and down the road. I am also the type of person that cannot stick to one workflow that well, because I am always experimenting with 100 different workflows at a time, which is why works for me.

Because I am putting on so many hats at a time, so frequently, and it is also something I enjoy doing, I have a hard time retaining long term information. By seperating out my workflows into wikis, sprints, and best practices from organizational experts, I can min/max my notetaking and focus on actual work

I didn’t really accomplish much this week and last week because I spent the entire time testing out new tools to enhance my lifestyle, but I know full well I can learn XYZ and do ABC project much faster and efficiently than the average person thanks to all the foresight I had in the past to setup such a system like this.

Not only that, I can whip out any piece of information whenever I want wherever I want in a SaaS (software as a service) workflow. I think of notes, as an extension of my brain. How much I am capable of doing depends on what tools and infrastructure I have set up

There is a wise paradigm that someone once said. A person executing a bad idea is much better off than someone who has revolutionary idea, but no means to execute it. It goes back to the EXECUTION MULTIPLIER, which is basically how many things you can get done

How much stuff you can get done & how successful you will be = [EXECUTION MULTIPLIER] number of Ideas generated*

I have big ambitions in the future, but if I don’t build upon the foundations and toolsets today, it won’t be there when i need it most. Whether its developing new application, managing a lot of people, etc it doesn’t matter. These things take time to build, and I intend on building them everyday.

And I focus on the things that are universally useful in any application of my life, in whatever persuits I wish. Whether its trying out new softwares to make task XYZ faster, finding faster workflows to manage my brain using, comparing different online learning resources, setting up useful code repos I will use down the road, and making wikis for hard-to-understand concepts, etc

Looking back at notes is one thing, but the bigger picture for it is its my “Personal ERP (enterprise resource planning) system”

Being able to retrieve any piece of relevant data at will is an extremely powerful tool, especially when you can do it in seconds and not minutes.

Even better so if you capture all the information right then and there , not just words, but gifs, videos, annotated images, etc.

Time is money and how much data you can log in the shortest time frame has a big impact on your EXECUTION MULTIPLIER

There’s another saying that an image is worth 1000 words, videos are worth much more, etc. with some specialized plugins can handle all that and retrieve that data really quickly too

So that’s my take on things basically.

Scalably cram as much knowledge in the least amount of time/effort possible and then capitalize on it later, when its needed the most.


I had one of these moments this week with the ability to download the HTML of my Dynalist document and see all the things I completed. Someday this will be a report and not a set of steps to complete to get the information. Seeing projects with lines through them or checkmarks completed makes me intensely happy!

I don’t see this option anywhere, I only get to download things as text and OPML format

It’s in the list level Export

Okay I got it now:

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